Saturday, March 27, 2010

Healthcare Reform

Will anyone read this? I'm not sure nor do I care. I'm just stating my opinion on the health care reform. I'll start by saying, aren't reforms supposed to be beneficial? I mean sure this will be for some but by the sounds of it, it's not going to benefit many. I was looking on CBS news website and saw a poll asking "Do you think the health care reform bill will benefit you?" The results from it, 60% no and a mere 29% yes. That percentage of people claiming no is more than double the percentage claiming it would help them. The 11% not accounted for was unsure as to whether it would help them. As you can probably see by now, I'm with the majority.

If I am with the majority of American's that voted on that, why did it pass through Congress. Isn't congress supposed to think about what American's want, isn't that their job. I am not against the idea of giving people health insurance because yes, that's a good idea. It's just how we are going about doing so that I find to be the problem.

Currently people work for the health insurance they have, either they receive it through their job or they pay for it. It would be great if everyone that was capable of working would work and pay for their health insurance. That isn't what's happening, instead with how this is set up, every working Americans tax dollars will be paying for every Americans health insurance. I don't find that right, that I, a working American, am going to be paying for some drug user or someone else of that status to receive health insurance.

There are ways to go around the problem of whose health insurance we are paying for, just as there are ways to go around whose food stamps we are paying for. One very effective way is monthly drug testing. Yes, that would cost the nation money but think of it this way. All the people currently spending $100 a week on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs would have to stop that and spend their money on insurance either that or they would continue on without it. You can say this is a cruel way of looking at things but I believe anyone can turn their life around, no matter where they live or what they do. My uncle is an example he was at the lowest point in his life drinking nightly combining that with drugs of every kind. Then he realized what he was doing wasn't worth it and quit "cold turkey." Now six years later he is still clean. You see I'm not just going on what I think can happen for someone I have seen it first hand. Back on topic though, if the people doing drugs weren't receiving the government support they are now we would save money, even with the cost of monthly drug testing.

So if anyone reads this let me know what you think.

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